

Yes it can be challenging but we need to do it or we lose it. We need to prevent slips and falls.

Duration 15 minutes.

This class follows on straight after the strength training machines.

We perform various movements which utilise the core muscles, lower back, bottom and legs improving overall strength making your daily activities easier.

A lot of the movements are performed on one leg.

  • Suitable for all levels, go as hard or as gentle to suit you.
  • The 45  minute session begins with a group warm up.
  • 15 minutes of BALANCE immediately follows the strength training session and ends with a lovely stretch.



I like to do the balance classes as they help me to improve my balance. I also like doing the leg exercise classes too to give me strength in my legs, which helps your balance to prevent a fall.


You can feel those muscles working when you do a balance class.


Good for mind body and soul.


Lovely ladies. Lovely Instructor/Owner and I am soooo happy to be involved and keeping fit, flexible and happy all at once and at my own pace.


My balance has really improved through these classes and my legs are noticeably stronger.

Pic from left - Dale, Shae Louise, Anne, Jean