Tai Chi

Tai Chi

These are beautiful movements specifically for falls prevention. The moves are performed repeatedly and slowly with the breath. Improves strength, flexibility, coordination, balance, and general mobility.

Being in the now, focusing on the breath, let the world disappear.
Reduces stress levels and leaves you feeling malleable, relaxed and light.

  • Suitable for all levels
  • The 45minute session begins with a group warm up.
  • 20 minutes of TAI CHI immediately follows the strength training session and ends with the lovely Tai Chi flow…

Review Tai Chi By Carol Morris

I really love Tai Chi and YOGA as well, they’re very relaxing on your mind. The slow gentle moves and the nice spinal rotations with the flowing of stretches with the breathing makes it extra relaxing too.

From left: Pam Hall, Carol Morris, Jenny Rowland, Pauline Brockie, Anne Hazel, Laurelle Dever


Following a strength training session Tai Chi helps my breathing and stretching. A great all-round work out.

The Tai Chi classes have helped so much with my balance and flexibility, which is important for us women of a certain age!

Tai Chi is a way of stretching correctly. It’s enjoyable.

I love Tai Chi, particularly after working hard on the strength training machines. Tai Chi helps me stretch and is fantastic for balance. It’s one of my favourites.

Tai Chi is a lovely way to do gentle exercise and has a nice calming effect on you.

TAI CHI pic from left Janine, Deb, Laurelle, Pam, Therese

TAI CHI pic from left Janine, Deb, Laurelle, Pam, Therese

TAI CHI pic from left Janine, Deb, Laurelle, Pam, Therese