

Whether you do a quick 15min session after strength training or enjoy the whole lovely 45 minutes of this beautiful flowing yoga; at the end you will know you have worked those muscles but you will feel beautifully limber and euphoric.

Gentle moves bending, twisting, stretching slowly through flowing movements with the breath to loosen and work throughout the whole body. just beautiful!

YOGA: I so love sharing my learnings of yoga with my MOVE ladies. I have created my own more accessible version of YOGA for my MOVE ladies so that it’s pretty much able to be practised and enjoyed by everyone. It’s beautiful and relaxing yet you know that you have worked everything and twisted, rounded and stretched all of you and then you just feel so completely rejuvenated and relaxed. I also offer the deeply healing yoga NIDRA (which is traditionally done whilst laying on your back)… it’s just so amazing and I feel lucky to have been taught it so that I can share this incredible healing experience.


Carol Morris

I really love Yoga, it’s very relaxing on your mind. The slow movements and the gentle little holding sequence of stretches with the breathing makes it extra relaxing too.


Yoga is peaceful.


I find yoga relaxing.

Anne T

yoga helps distress and calm both body and mind.

Deb S

I really enjoy the yoga classes as they are great for the mind and body through the controlled breathing, stretching and positioning.


We have so many class choices, from super active to the calming and sometimes a challenging class of Yoga.


Yoga with Ange is the perfect way to de-stress.

Warrior pose from left - Rose, Marg, Anne, Deb, Lyn, Julie

Triangle pose - Edith, Linda, Margie, Mary, Jan