

BOXING is super vigorous getting the heart pumping.

It is still suitable for all levels as you can either give it all you have for an amazing intense workout or just go gentler…

Standing pretty much in one spot we do shadow boxing, which is punching out to the front in different ways or sideways performing hooks, or elbow strikes or to the sky in various ways. As I have a background in Tae-Kwon Do, they’re based a little on what I know.

The 15 minutes goes so fast, awesome workout!

Walking out feeling exhilarated.

  • Suitable for all levels, go as hard or as gentle to suit you.
  • The 45-minute session begins with a group warm up
  • Followed by the strength training session
  • Then an invigorating 15 minutes of this “shadow BOXING”
  • Then ending with a lovely 5-minute stretch.



Boxing is awesome.


Boxing is energetic.


I like boxing because it gives a full upper body workout and helps with my balance too.


Boxing is a great upper body workout.


We have so many class choices, from super active to the calming and sometimes a challenging class of yoga. I find our boxing class not only helps with my upper body strength but also gives a great cardio workout.

Pic from left - Rose, Margaret, Anne, Deb, Lyn, Julie