

Improves cardiovascular health, strengthening heart and lungs.,

Fun moves, fun music

Moving on and off the STEP using various fun moves to add a variety of fun for fitness.

Assorted heights of the aerobic STEP to suit your level of ability.

You can use the STEP or do all the moves without the STEP.

Work as hard or as gentle as you need. Everyone is at their own level and each day is different.

Works legs, upper body and core, building strength and flexibility, Increases bone mass, improves balance, co-ordination, and flexibility, boosting metabolism, reducing tension and promoting relaxation.

Suitable for all abilities with or without the step. finishing the session with lovely stretches.

See photos below


from Left: Linda Jones, Jan Smith, Edith Smith, Margie Sorrell

Edith Smith

It’s a lot of fun. I quite enjoy it. It takes a lot of concentration. When it gets a bit too much I just stay off the step and do the same moves on the floor.

Linda Jones

Keeps you fit. Good for your legs. Makes you concentrate. It’s fun and I enjoy keeping with the beat of the music.

Margie Sorrell

It’s great! Full of action. Never a dull second. keeps me moving around. Fun!

Jan Smith

When STEP is on the timetable I always come to the class. It’s fun and it keeps you fit.


From left: Sue Davies, Merryl Willams, Pam Pratt, Lyn Peach, Deb Scambler, Margaret Richardson

Margaret Richardson

I’m exhausted at the end
I need a coffee

Deb Scambler


Merryl Willams

You certainly feel like you’ve worked out hard when you’ve finished.

Lyn Peach


Pam Pratt

Good cardio


Review Step by Shelley Gaukroger

I am 63 and I have always worked out… I found Move Stronger fitness 2 years ago and love everything they have on their programme especially the STEP class.. I love it, as it is full on cardio. All the programmes are amazing and gives you that feeling of elation after each workout. It sets me up for a great day ahead.

From left - Jen N, Wendy B, Shelley G, Anne S, Leesa C


From left - Jen N, Wendy B, Shelley G, Anne S, Leesa C
